What happens when we die?
In my work, The Devolution Chronicles: Rise of the Chimera, Koda, the telepathic canine guardian tries to explain the hereafter to his protégée, Lexis, a teenage assassin:
Death may be a mystery, but the journey to the afterlife is not.
What do you mean? Lexis thought, wiping away a tear.
Every cell in your body dies and is regenerated in seven years, Koda thought. Think about it; that means that no part of your physical body, not even your brain, was alive seven years ago, and yet you have a vivid memory of your childhood. How can that be, if the cells in your brain were not alive to capture your memory? It is because your memory, your consciousness, your immortal soul is pure energy. It is not bound to any living matter, not even your body.
Koda continued, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed. When your body dies, your energy, your immortal soul does not die with it, it just moves to another place, another dimension… another world. Death is not the end; it is only the beginning. Your heart is heavy because you miss him terribly, and you’re suffering from his loss. But without suffering, there can be no joy. It is only through suffering that you can truly appreciate joy. This is the way the Creators designed this world, and it is good. Even if we wanted to, we cannot change it. So grieve for Brutus because he is not here with you in this world, but know in your heart, that no matter what happens to his body, he will live on. His energy, his immortal soul is out there somewhere, and someday, you will be together again.
You are truly wise beyond your ears. Lexis exhaled. How did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life?
As you are well aware, luck had nothing to do with it. Koda laughed. The Creators do not play dice. I am with you because we were chosen to be together in this world.
I added this passage to the final version of my book after losing my Mom and my beloved Great Dane, Raz, in a span of two weeks. I was with them both in their final moments of this life; it was heart wrenching to say goodbye.
My spiritual beliefs assure me that we will be together in a life to come, but fear creeps into my skeptical scientific mind, demanding intellectual proof. So in my own way, I asked Koda to convince Lexis that beyond a leap of faith, science supports the afterlife where we will be reunited with our loved ones.
Thank you Koda, I will rest easy… at least for tonight.