Mountain fortress in the clouds
Share your vision quest..”
#haiku #Nature #poetry
“Ancient guardian
Mountain fortress in the clouds Share your vision quest..” ~gwc #haiku #Nature #poetry
News Alert: “Planet Niburu to destroy Earth.”
Me: Good night my friends. And if the apocalypse comes tomorrow, good luck. My Guest Lecture today: Music is a Drug.. and it's Totally Dope.
[as in Dop-a-mine..]…/la-heb-music-dopamine-20110109 Many in need if you can help..
Honored, and humbled to be selected as 2017 Best Fusion Song in the #clouzine Galaxy of Stars! Ironically, sometimes art imitates life; my life. My daughter Alexandra Clark cut the killer guitar tracks for 'River of Lost Souls', my Arapaho story of a soul's journey beyond death to another world, just before her near fatal accident in May. Many days in the hospital, but by divine destiny, she was spared, and is recovering now. Shilo Stroman [world's #1 percussionist] and I finished the song, with Ali listening to the final cuts. In life, as in art, my Native American brothers have taught us, “There can be no rainbow without our tears.” I hear the subconscious voices of Ten Bears, Raven Thundersky and Logan Left-Hand Logan Left-Hand Tuu’awta, speaking their truths to me through my words, and music.
TBTG, & special thanks to all of you, alrededor del mundo, from South America, to Asia to Europe and my loyal fans in the UK [We're coming mates!], for your love and support. We heard you in our hearts dear friends, and you will hear more from us.. soon. Nohuusóho' [Amen]
Art; imitating life..
Just before kiddo’s accident, we recorded her first vocal Grammy® submission for this year. She's ok, TB2G.. Heetih-kou3-iine'etii-n [Live a long life] Heetih-niini'-iine'etii-n [Live a good life] Heetih-'iiyoo3-iine'etii-n [Live a clean life] Hoow-uusetee [It is not done] Heetce’nóóhobé3en [Goodbye, I will see you again] Nohuusóho' [Amen.] #indie #music #songwriter |
What's on my mind...