1rst round Grammy voting is over.. and like Schrödinger's Cat, our collective Grammy hopes are both alive - and dead, until November. As TP said, ‘the waiting is the hardest part,’ but in the meantime, Run Cats, Run!
FYC, River of Lost Souls -- Wins the #Clouzine International 2017 Best Fusion Song;
Watch out Flying Killer Robots, we’re coming for you.. #musicmonday #freemusicMonday https://open.spotify.com/artist/0OnbR2EKKJntMgGGa9BOAJ
FYC; 60th Grammy® Best Rock Song [some of the entries]..
Yes, my name is on the list, with those artists. Really? No, really. Ok, it’s a long shot, a moon shot really, but.. just in case “I want to thank my Mom, the only girl jazz saxophone player with a little band called the Jolly Rogers, who insisted on piano lessons in the 3rd grade, 8 years of cornet lessons, many years in the symphony, who endured countless rock band, gigs and bars after her night shift at the hospital, where she never, ever, missed a gig. And before each and every performance she smiled and said, ‘Have fun; I hope you break a string [acting reference, break a leg]. Now get out there and make some noise!’ Love you Mom.. https://soundcloud.com/earamas/landr-river-of-lost-souls-v18-32617-914-am
I am humbled to be among the Artists 'For Your Consideration' in the First Round of the 60th Grammy® Awards..
'It's a long way from Carolina, to these hills that I call home..' ~gwc #Trout spawn yesterday at 9,000 feet in #RMNP. Relax, breath deep and escape for 42 seconds.. Revisit this moment in your mind whenever you choose.. no admission required.
My 2 days of Entrepreneurism lectures at Colorado State University.. another flock of capitalists released into the wild. Go forth, fly free and build your dreams.. and text me.
What's on my mind...