Human... devolution / Government… attribution
Biogenic... retribution / Why did it all... go so wrong?
Master... domination / Servant... replication
Hybrid... transmutation / Why did it all... go so wrong?
Raise up your gun / Our time has come
Lay down your body and your soul.
Stand up and fight / For might makes right
Cast off your chains of control.
Strike swift your blow / Let freedom flow
No surrender, no retreat.
Drive deep your spear / Release your fear
‘Til devolution is complete.
Raise up your gun / Our time has come
Lay down your body and your soul.
Stand up and fight / For might makes right
Cast off your chains of control.
Our strengths combine / Revenge is mine
No surrender, no retreat.
Press your attack / And don’t look back
Now devolution is complete.
Eternity... was your seduction. / Morality... the lone obstruction.
You’ve sown the seeds... of your own destruction.
You know... where it all... went wrong.
Breath deep... your heart beats faster. / Eyes shut... embrace disaster.
Once your servant... but now your master.
The world you knew... is gone.